logotipo de SYAAT, nuestra empresa de tecnología de la información

We join in social responsibility

We join the purpose of Casa Hogar Florecer to provide a better quality of life for children and adolescents.

In a context of change and in a world connected in real time, it is important not to forget the human connection. For SYAAT, social service is a real commitment, and we have faced the challenge of addressing social problems. That is why this November 2022 we made an alliance with the Casa Hogar Florecer Foundation to provide a better quality of life for children and adolescents.

Casa Hogar Florecer contributes to the attention, care and comprehensive education of children in social vulnerability situations. The goal of this alliance is to train and educate children and adolescents in a safe environment, with warmth and quality, to promote human development that allows them to be agents of change.

It is a pleasure for us to lend our support to Casa Hogar Florecer Foundation. We hope to participate soon in face-to-face activities to continue adding value.

We will keep you informed and do not hesitate to let us know if you would like to participate with us.

November 2022

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