Grow your business with vision and health a HubSpot CRM webinar!

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On May 16 we held the webinar called “Grow your business with vision and health”, hand in hand with HubSpot. Like every year, we invite our customers, colleagues, partners and community that follow us on our social networks, presenting topics that not only drive professional growth, but also enrich their overall well-being.

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Grabación del webinar en vivo aquí

With this in mind, this week we had the opportunity to have the presence of two experts in their areas to explain interesting concepts about health, and the most relevant technology in terms of business growth.

Aline Aguilar, an educational and organizational psychologist, delved into the topic of wellness. In her talk, Aline explained that wellness encompasses our whole being: mental, emotional, physical and spiritual.

Today, health and wellness are considered signs of affluence, a luxury that surpasses material goods. This is why we must always maintain a balance in these four pillars, which according to the World Health Organization is achieved through nutrition, exercise and rest.

Aline invited attendees to ask themselves what they do on a daily basis to maintain a constant state of good health, and encouraged them to think of wellness as a “whole”.

On the other hand, María Paula Barreto, a consultant from Hubspot, a CRM platform of which we are certified partners, began talking about how companies are currently seeking to offer a better experience to their customers. To achieve this, she mentioned that there are 5 important pillars: content, messaging, automation, reporting and data. The problem with this is that companies usually cover these pillars with separate vendors, which creates a disconnection in the process. Hubspot is the solution to this problem, as it unifies and connects customer experience management just in one place, uniting all departments of the company: marketing, sales and customer service.

In addition, Maria explained that companies that base their business strategy on a CRM like Hubspot obtain better results, including greater customer satisfaction, higher retention rates and accelerated growth.

If you want to know more about these important and interesting topics, you can watch the full webinar here.

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